This is not a book review. I just wanted to say that I really, really, really loved Longbourn by Jo Baker. A re-telling of Jane Austen's classic Pride & Prejudice from the points of view of the servants at the Bennett home, Longbourn, Longbourn seamlessly entwines a new plot and cast of earthy characters - maids, cooks and footmen - into the familiar strands of Pride & Prejudice we all know and love so well. I am a sucker for derivative fiction in any form, but Longbourn really shone for me because it is so beautifully written.
I also loved the historical detail, and the perfect balance between showing us how household staff worked each day, how they got things done - fascinating in itself - and the story. Scenes involving the most mundane of household tasks - servant Sarah sweeping the floors with used tea leaves, or footman James hanging out a basket of washing for her, are often the most emotional.
Have you read it? What did you think?